Our Phenom Family is made up of true professionals who continually look for ways to improve the online BBS experience. This team consists of
forward thinking individuals who push the boundaries of development and design. All items from the Phenom Family are polished with the best
ANSI/ASCII artwork the "The Scene" can provide. If you are interested in releasing your mods, door games, utilities, or any extras that help
to make a sysops's system shine, send us an email at info@phenomprod.com.
The BBS scene has a shortage of door game and application door developers. Most of the door games that people run on their boards were ones that were created back in the 90s.
Many application doors are deprecated and no longer work properly in today's modern world. We are seeking out talented individuals to create modern scalable doors
or to at least introduce NEW games for the current online community.
It's easy to apply for membership. You just need to create and submit a mod/door for review along with filling out the member application.
Download and fill out this Phenom Membership Form and email it to
Telnet: alphacomplex.us:2323
BBS Software: Talisman
Location: Berkeley, CA (USA)
BBS Name: Absinthe BBS
Telnet: absinthebbs.net:1940
BBS Software: C-NET
Location: Raleigh, NC (USA)
BBS Name: Sunflower BBS
Telnet: sunflowr.phatstar.org:23
BBS Software: Mystic
Location: Wichita, KS (USA)
BBS Name: Crewmate's Test Lab
Telnet: ctl.crewmate.tech:private
BBS Software: Mystic
Location: Somewhere (EU)
BBS Name: Hobbit Empire BBS
Telnet: bbs.hobbitempire.net:6501
BBS Software: C-NET
Location: Gales Ferry, CT (USA)
BBS Name: FutureLand BBS
Telnet: futureland.today:2323
BBS Software: Custom
Location: Phoenix, AZ (USA)
BBS Name: Baud BBS
Telnet: bbs.baud.games:6502
BBS Software: Mystic
Location: Kirkland, WA (USA)
BBS Name: Catch 22 BBS
Telnet: catch22.zapto.org:26
BBS Software: DayDream, Renegade
Location: Coeur dAlene, ID (USA)
BBS Name: Insane Asylum BBS
Telnet: asylum.erb.pw:23
BBS Software: Mystic
Location: Racine, WI (USA)
BBS Name: Throwback BBS
Telnet: bbs.throwbackbbs.com:23
BBS Software: Mystic
Location: Meriden, CT (USA)
BBS Name: Necronomicon BBS
Telnet: necrobbs.strangled.net:23
BBS Software: Mystic
Location: New Bedford, MA (USA)
BBS Name: Capitol Shrill BBS
Telnet: capitolshrill.com:23
BBS Software: Synchronet
Location: Washington, DC (USA)
BBS Name: The Byte Exchange BBS
Telnet: bbs.thebyteexchange.com:23
BBS Software: Cyber
Location: Lindale, TX (USA)
BBS Name: Xibalba BBS
Telnet: xibalba.l33t.codes:44510
BBS Software: Enigma
Location: Salt Lake City, UT (USA)
BBS Name: The Forze BBS
Telnet: bbs.opicron.eu:23
BBS Software: Mystic
Location: Amsterdam (NL)
BBS Name: 20 For Beers BBS
Telnet: 20forbeers.com:1337
BBS Software: Mystic
Location: Portaland, OR (USA)
BBS Name: Twinkle BBS
Telnet: twinklebbs.xyz:23
BBS Software: Mystic
Location: Albuquerque, NM (USA)
BBS Name: Infolinka BBS
Telnet: ltcxyz.eu:private
BBS Software: Mystic
Location: Prague (CZECH)
BBS Name: Ink Two BBS
Telnet: bbs.inktwo.com:23
BBS Software: Mystic
Location: Covina, CA (USA)
BBS Name: Bottomless Abyss BBS
Telnet: bbs.bottomlessabyss.net:2023
BBS Software: Mystic
Location: Quebec City (CAN)
BBS Name: The Underground BBS
Telnet: www.theunderground.us:10023
BBS Software: Mystic
Location: Carmel, IN (USA)
BBS Name: Alcoholiday
Telnet: alco.bbs.io:23
BBS Software: Mystic
Location: Columbus, SC (USA)
BBS Name: Archaic Binary BBS
Telnet: bbs.archaicbinary.net:23
BBS Software: Mystic
Location: Orlando, FL (USA)
BBS Name: Crewmate"s Test Lab BBS
Telnet: bulletinboard.systems:23
BBS Software: Mystic
Location: Somewhere (EU)
BBS Name: Physics BBS
Telnet: bulletinboard.systems:23
BBS Software: Renegade
Location: Sonoma County, CA (USA)